
Premium Dental Lab

Premium Dental Lab

Our dentists have full access to Premium Dental Lab.

A lab created by dentists FOR dentists.

Imagine you take your first crown impression or scan, send it to the lab and you receive an email back asking you to refine the prep and scan again because there are mistakes in your crown preparation and the lab cannot make a crown for your prep. It's pretty disheartening, but it happens to all of us. What makes premium dental lab stand out, is that the technicians will contact you with pictures of what exactly you need to refine, they will help explain undercuts and give you very detail feedback. They can even come in to the clinic with you on a day of a big case and help give you tips on your preparation.

We highly encourage our graduates to go into the lab and discuss cases with the technicians. It is essential that dentists have a great relationship with their lab and are able to obtain direct feedback about their work to help them improve.

Our graduates are able to go to the lab directly or speak to the technicians over the phone to foster this positive relationship and obtain that extra support to deliver great results.

Find out more about Premium Dental Lab through their,

Instagram: @premiumdentallabau

Also, click on our gallery to see some of the work the lab has completed for our dentists!